My New School Year

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I finished my Japanese minor!! Yay! It’s a relief to know I don’t have to spend hours looking up kanji characters anymore. At the same time it’s sad to know that for the rest of my life it will really be up to me to keep my Japanese fresh (it’s already going sour).

Well, I have the new school year starting on Monday. I’m only taking 4 classes (13 credits) because I am taking the most feared and supposedly hardest class of my major this semester. It is Poli Sci 328 – Quantitative Political Methodology. Which is a focus on Econometrics.. which I don’t even know what is exactly. It’s using statistical methods to analyze economic and other data to find patterns. ew. Actually, I’m hoping it will be interesting; it will just be a lot of work and a lot of hard new concepts.  I’m also taking Pl Sci 376 – US Foreign Policy (exciting!), Pl Sci 201 – Western Political Heritage (my last GE, and basically the political and philosophical writings of Aristotle, Plato, Sophocles, St. Augustine etc.!), and last Geography 341 – Political Geography (should be interesting to learn the political effects of fresh water in a region).  We’ll see how it all goes! I’ve been debating just giving up my social life for this semester to make sure I do well in my classes.. I doubt that will happen, I’m just not disciplined enough. Would it be nerdy to say that I’ve already read the first chapter in most my main textbooks?  I’m hoping every little bit helps give me a head start on the workload.

I think I’m going to start up my missionary schedule once again for the school year: Bed at 10:30 and wake up at 6:30 or 7:00. It worked well last year when I kept to it, so I should try it again. That way I always get my scripture reading in the morning and I always get a good night’s sleep. We’ll see.

Faith vs. Honesty

Where does telling a lie and having faith without indisputable proof border each other? Is it wrong of me to imply ‘indisputable proof’ requires using one of the 5 senses instead of including spiritual responses? What part of society has led us to believe that saying something is true without physical knowledge (i.e. relying on spiritual impressions) is wrong and falsifiable? When does that perspective enter a child’s mind, and how best do you teach them the correct way of living (i.e. living by faith)?

Some of my initial reflections:
The law requires proof that is indisputable (as far as a judge or jury will believe), therefore something that is logical or something that someone can resense through the 5 senses without any additional effort on their part. Spiritual proofs can be felt by anyone as well, but they require effort to experience and therefore a choice to act or believe by the one disputing the experience. This is useless in law since you are trying to prove a fact (whether of the 5 senses or a spiritual impression) that the opponent does not want to find out is true. The opponent will not put forward the effort (i.e. faith) to find out for themself if the spiritual confirmation was a legitamate experience. And logic formed from spiritual evidences has the same hindrance since it takes a belief in spiritual influences to follow the explanation of a logical proof of spiritual things.

That responds to one of my questions from above. But, what about the others?